
欧亚客服She, too, had slept that night under

更新时间:2023-09-18 作者:001客服 点击量:6598 注:原创

She, too, had slept that night under the stars, and when morning came she was still in the dusty, torn, powder-stained clothing she had worn as cannonier, and afterward while working over the wounded. Her predicament was a bad one when a messenger arrived from General Washington requesting an interview with her. She, Molly Pitcher, to be received by the Commander-in-chief of the American forces in such a garb as that! How could she make herself presentable for the interview? With her usual quick wit, Molly borrowed an artilleryman's coat, which in some measure hid her grimy and torn garments. In this coat over her own petticoats, and a cocked hat with a feather, doubtless plucked from a straying hen, she made no further ado, but presented herself to Washington as requested, and from the fact that she wore such a costume on that June day has come the oft-repeated and untrue story that she wore a man's clothing on the battle-field.

那天晚上,她也在星空下睡着了,到了早上,她还穿着她当炮手时穿的那件满是灰尘、破烂不堪、沾满火药的衣服,之后还在为伤员做手术。当华盛顿将军派来的信使要求采访她时,她的处境非常糟糕。她,茉莉. 皮彻,将穿着这样的衣服被美国军队的总司令接待!她怎样才能使自己在面试时看起来像样呢?莫莉以她惯常的机智,借了一件炮兵的外套,在某种程度上遮住了她肮脏破烂的衣服。她穿着自己裙子外面的外套,戴着一顶带羽毛的大帽子,毫无疑问是从一只迷路的母鸡身上拔下来的。她没有再多说什么,而是按照要求来到了华盛顿。从她在六月的那一天穿着这样的服装这一事实来看,她在战场上穿着一个男人的衣服这个经常被重复且不真实的故事。
